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Being a FIT People - Kitchen Rules

If you work hard in the gym and still don't see results, your culinary habits can be the culprit.

Portion sizes are important

Eating the right amount can be difficult. Usually, we behave very generously when cooking at home. To avoid this, I recommend using measuring cups for cereals, pasta, and rice so you learn how big a serving should be so you don't accidentally overeat.

Generally speaking, for a woman, a plate half full of vegetables or salads should be made; 1/4 u of protein-rich foods such as lean meat, fish, eggs or milk, and the remaining 1/4 u of good quality carbohydrates such as starchy vegetables, brown rice, quinoa, wholemeal bread or crackers.

Put the vegetables or salad on the plate first

If your plate is half full of low-calorie and low-fat salads or vegetables, it's hard to fill with other foods that might not be good for you. :)

Always Measure Sauces and Sauces

Do not pour sauce or sauce directly from the bottle, because you are likely to overdo it. It can turn your healthy meal into a calorie-laden turmoil.

Be prepared in advance

The preparation will prevent you from overeating and also save a lot of time during the week. Keep measuring cups and scales on hand so you can always check portion sizes for things like protein, cereal, and cereal.

Wrong amount of oil and improper use

Portion control is very important for butter and butter. Burning oil (such as butter burning in a pan) can cause it to crumble. This means that it may lose some health benefits, or that much heat can cause some oils to produce free radicals or toxins.

Using oil and salt for flavor

One of the fastest ways to increase your calorie intake is to trust your food with oil, salt or sugar. Although I don't believe too much in the calorie count, I know that eating with extra salt and fat will cause your brain to want these additives over and over again.

For this, try using spices (these are great health cures) and herbs for flavor. Instead of seasoning salted grilled chicken, try passing them through a marinade with turmeric and yogurt and adding thyme, garlic or turmeric as a spice. Adding fresh herbs to the dishes will give the meal extra antioxidants and vitamins. (For amazing healthy chicken recipes)

Choosing the wrong sauce

You're unlikely to add a spoonful of sugar to a freshly grilled chicken breast, right? But adding a sauce bought from the store can do that too! Pickles and sauces will add extra sugar to your plate. Note that it may have different names in ready-made sauces, but not sugar (such as sucrose, high fructose corn syrup or molasses). Remember that there is always sugar in ready-made sauces, do not use.

The problem with adding these sauces and sauces is that they have low nutritional value. Instead, your blood sugar may rise and fall quickly, making you feel tired. Check the label before you add sauce to the dish or start preparing your own sauce. (healthy sauces you can add to your salad)

Don't add excess ingredients to the top

When serving, be careful about what you add to the food. Extra cheese and sour cream is a highway that leads to pasta dishes and bad habits. The same goes for adding some cheese to your salad or pouring sauce over everything.

Instead, choose fresh herbs or spinach as a side dish (spinach sauce).

Making some of these mistakes will create some obstacles to fit you and therefore you will be discouraged. Now that you are aware of these risks, you can be healthier and fit next time by not making these mistakes in your kitchen.


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