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Everything You Need to Know About the Ketogenic Diet

The ketogenic diet is not a magic diet that makes 5,6,10 pounds.

So if you're looking for an easy answer, you've come to the wrong place.

Why? The ketogenic diet is also useless without exercising.

Like other diets, you should create calorie loss by consuming fewer calories than your body burns.

At the end of the day, any eating plan that allows you to eat fewer calories than you burn will take you to your goals, be it abs or bikini size. I decided to do some research.

I achieved amazing results in the ketogenic diet. There's something special about the keto diet - the keto diet turns your body into a fat-burning machine.

If you know the right approach, you can stay lean and always build muscle.

Are you ready to have your best body ever? Here's everything you need to know about shredding with the ketogenic diet.

What is KETO and how does it work?

A ketogenic diet and a low-carb diet are not the same!

It is made in two different diets and different ways, both of which create calorie loss for weight loss.

What distinguishes the ketogenic diet from others? First, DRASTICAL low-carb. I'm not talking about cutting some bread or jumping dessert. I am talking about excessive carbohydrate withdrawal. Unlike other low-carb diets, a ketogenic diet requires you to replace these missing carbohydrates with fat. With too much and too much oil.

Here, while reducing your carb intake while increasing your fat intake, what happens in your body stops the burning of glucose for energy and burns fat instead. And when your body does this, it starts producing ketones.

* Normally, your body burns glucose (sugar) for energy. If your cells don't get enough glucose, your body will burn fat instead. This produces a substance called ketones that can appear in your blood and urine.

So fats are a critical component of the ketogenic diet.

If you lower your carbs and lower your proteins, like any other low-carb diet, you won't be able to reach this ketogenic state. Instead, your body begins to convert all of that extra protein into glucose, a process known as gluconeogenesis.

Why is this an important distinction? Because avoiding excess glucose in your body keeps your insulin stable. If your insulin is high, your body will not be in fat-burning mode.

The ketogenic diet forces your body to use fat as energy. This means that you burn fat, which is faster than the fat in your low-carb or low-calorie diet.

If you follow a low-carb diet, you will get a big fat loss in a short time. So let's talk about putting your body in a ketogenic state so you can have the body of the beautiful butt you desire

Entering Ketosis

Success in the keto diet is about putting your body in the sweet spot known as Ketosis. And if you succeed, you'll have to get to know your macros.

First of all, you will want to get your fat intake with 75%. This is a very fat diet, but it won't make you fat. If you're going to sit around with your feet, if you're afraid to increase your fat intake, because you're still in the 90s, if you believe the fat is bad, this diet won't work for you.

Next, you need to keep your protein intake below 20%. I know all fitness enthusiasts are concerned about losing protein and muscle mass. I must tell you that moderate protein intake is part of the magic of the ketogenic diet. If you don't follow this formula, your body will not be able to enter Ketosis and stay there.

Finally, you need to keep your carbohydrates at 5%.

Now, let's talk about what to expect when you first start and experience something known as Keto-adaptive state.

This minor problem is often referred to as “keto flu”. In the first week, two weeks or even three weeks your body needs to adapt to the burning fat instead of glucose. Remember, you deprive your body of your favorite fuel, and it will be a little cranky at first.

You will probably feel tired.
You will probably experience mood swings.
So you will feel like shit

BUT if you continue, your body will learn to start burning fat for fuel and then you will enjoy all the amazing benefits of the Keto diet. In fact, you will probably realize that you will feel better on a ketogenic diet.

You will probably realize that you have more energy and that after a big meal you do not feel things like bloating. This is because your insulin levels remain constant in this diet.

Fragmentation with the Ketogenic Diet

I know what you're thinking. You think you will not be able to gain muscle with a ketogenic diet.

I'm here to say you're wrong.

There are many articles/articles confirming that you can increase muscle mass with a ketogenic diet.

While we stick to a specific bodybuilding regime, we have a group of college-age kids dealing with a ketogenic diet. During the study, while their fat masses decreased, their strength increased.

You can eat :

Oil and butter (coconut oil, natural butter)

Nuts, peanuts, walnuts, cashews, etc.


White and red meat


Lots of green fiber vegetables and tomatoes

All whole milk products except milk

Do not eat:

We can summarize what you should not eat in ketogenic diets as starch and sugar-rich foods and starchy foods (such as bread, pasta, rice or potatoes). Because these foods are rich in carbohydrates.

What should he drink?

So what do you drink in ketogenic diets? Water is a great option, so is coffee and tea. Of course, the ideal thing is that your drinks are sugar-free. You can consume your tea and coffee with a small amount of milk or cream; from time to time you can also have a glass of wine.

The fewer carbohydrates you take while following a ketogenic diet, the more your diet will affect your weight and blood sugar effect. The keto diet is a very strict low-carb diet and is quite effective.

In my next post, I will share keto diet lists and recipes ... Wait for me :)


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